Inspiration / L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

I'm back from an inspiring trip through southern France.  Beautiful scenes cropped up around every corner.  I took over 1500 photos, and it still feels like I skimped.

When I got home, I checked out Jen Maddocks' September Bricolage Society Challenge, and I was enthralled by her featured artist, Karen Stamper, and, in particular, her France travel-inspired series.

How could I resist?  Here's what I created, from a photo I took in the pretty, canal-filled town of L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.  I used Jen Maddocks' Artful Marks, Artful Marks 4, and Summer Splash kits as well as the September Bricolage Society Challenge items.

credits here
The original photo here:

I have a suspicion that I might have more works of this style to come!