Natali Hello Fall and Jen Maddocks Broaden Your Mind kits, |
This page, above, was kind of a fun one to make. My original photo (taken of an apple crop a few years back) didn't show the whole leaf. But never fear. I took a leaf from the box of apples we have, extracted and masked it off and linked it right to the existing apple. You'd never know, would you? Added a big drop shadow so it looks like it's coming right off the page. Fun!
Speaking of digi scrapping, excitement number one for me this week: I had a page published in the upcoming Somerset Digital Magazine Fall 2014 Issue. This was a nice, unexpected surprise in my mailbox.
Rebecca McMeen Harper kit and Captivated Visions mask |
Crafty Button designs Starbuck kit, @ |
Enjoy these remaining days of summer!