Apple time and a couple of exciting things

Natali Hello Fall and Jen Maddocks Broaden Your Mind kits,
That time of year is here again, when I'm up to my neck in apples.  I'm not complaining.  We raided the apple tree at the family cabin this past week.  It's funny, because this apple tree was blown over in a storm years ago, and someone told us it wouldn't fruit anymore.  Well, this has been one of the best crops yet.  So far out of the kitchen: apple cobbler, many, many batches of apple sauce (the pressure cooker sauce has won out above the slow cooker one I'd been using), plus 2 applesauce cakes.  I made the cakes with whole wheat flour, and the texture is marvelous.  Love it.

This page, above, was kind of a fun one to make.  My original photo (taken of an apple crop a few years back) didn't show the whole leaf.  But never fear.  I took a leaf from the box of apples we have, extracted and masked it off and linked it right to the existing apple.  You'd never know, would you?  Added a big drop shadow so it looks like it's coming right off the page.  Fun!

Speaking of digi scrapping, excitement number one for me this week: I had a page published in the upcoming Somerset Digital Magazine Fall 2014 Issue.  This was a nice, unexpected surprise in my mailbox.
Rebecca McMeen Harper kit and Captivated Visions mask
My second delight this week was having one of my pages featured on the Gallery Stand Out blog. What a treat!
Crafty Button designs Starbuck kit, @

Enjoy these remaining days of summer!