Here are a few things that made my heart sing in the month of September (prompt from Belinda @ Found Love Now What.
We were in Spain (and a little in Portugal) for most of the month, so there were many, many moments that I felt so thankful for.
Seeing rainbow after rainbow on our trip. What a blessing every time I see one and remember God's promise to us!
Making new furry friends in Portugal.
Actually relaxing on vacation: being lazy and watching tv instead of checking out and heading for the next destination.
Evening strolls in small, Spanish towns with incredible sunlight that made everything glow.
Stopping to marvel at intricate details.
We were in Spain (and a little in Portugal) for most of the month, so there were many, many moments that I felt so thankful for.
Like pleasant evening strolls, and sitting on a park bench with locals.
Making new furry friends in Portugal.
Actually relaxing on vacation: being lazy and watching tv instead of checking out and heading for the next destination.
Evening strolls in small, Spanish towns with incredible sunlight that made everything glow.
Stopping to marvel at intricate details.
A surprise, private garden at one of our rooms, walled off with hedges.
And finally, no matter how enjoyable the travel, returning to the familiar comforts of home are a delight.
“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” – Lin Yutang