River and Woodland

I was reading a novel, and one of the chapters had this wonderful quote at the beginning by Virgil, "Let me love river and woodland." The sentence resonated with me.  I love nature walks, and we had just finished a delightful visit to Highlands Hammock State Park in Florida that included several good ones.

Courtney's Designs Garden Notebook Art Paper, Elements, and Overlays
The layout above shows a wonderful catwalk out over the river and swamplands, in the midst of beautiful cypress trees at Highlands Hammock.  It was so peaceful!  Being in the woods, with just the sounds and sights of nature all around makes me wonderfully content.

Florida has such diverse state parks.  A friend had told us about Highlands Hammock one time, and we were not disappointed.  A beautiful spot.

Our last treat of the day was seeing two gorgeous hawks, and being able to stand and watch them from very close by for a long while.  One flew down and caught a snake and ate it.  Unfortunately, our camera's battery was gone, so we had to take iPhone photos only.  

Where do you enjoy wandering?