Scrapped Lately

I'm anxious to get pages done from our trip to Spain, but it seems my (sporadic) scrapping has been all over the place lately.

From warm-weather pages (scrapped using a winter kit, of course!):
Studio Mix 80, All That Shimmers, and matching Lights

To cold, snowy pages:
Studio Mix 79, Whispers of Winter and Light and Stamps and Brushes

A few Spain pages here and there:
Sussie M PS I Love You Collection

Vinnie Pearce Rise Collection
And a bit of Florida scrapping -- the bamboo woods along the Estero River.
Lorie Davison Things I Found in my Brain While Wandering in the Woods
But I truly am anxious to get back to Spain pages; in fact I realize what a slew of pages I have left to do (i.e., I still get to do!) from our vacation in 2013.  Digi-scrapping is definitely a blissful hobby!