I've Never...

Another post prompt from Found Love Now What blog, for the May blog prompts:  a list of "I've nevers."  Hmmm...  Here goes.
This would be a nice place to go stand-up-paddle boarding (Ribadesella, Spain)

I've never:
  1. Been to Africa, but I saw it from a distance at Gibraltar.
  2. Been to a pro ice hockey game.  Only minor league.
  3. Seen the movie ET.
  4. Been stand up paddle boarding.  Really, really want to, though.
  5. Been fluent in more than one language.
  6. Read any Harry Potter books.
  7. Seen a volcano.
  8. Eaten scrambled eggs in my adult life.  Blech.
  9. Run in a race longer than a 400m sprint.
  10. Had a pet rabbit.
Now that's an oddball, random list!   Link up, I love reading these kinds of lists.

Found Love. Now What?