Scrapping Water

Manu Zimmerman splahes; Jen Maddocks Mountain stamps in the background

I love being on, in, or near water.  Here are a few pages scrapping my love of water!  Above, my hubbie and a group whitewater rafting a while back.

Priss Designs, Underwater Love
 Here's me, above, snorkeling in Blue Springs State Park, Florida.  And this is my sister, below, but could just as easily have been me -- we were always in the ocean when we were kids!
Studio Mix 71, Soul Surfer
Another snorkeling trip, below.
Studio Mix 72, Lemonade Summer Party
Manatee Springs State Park in Florida, below.
Studio Mix 87, Natural
And one of me, below, swimming this summer in Galicia.
Emeto Sunshine Garden kit

And finally one old layout.  Just looking at that pool makes me want to dive in!

Ztampf! Liquid kit