
I captured some much-needed creative time today.  Composing that sentence, I tossed out words like "stole" and "took." Constantly shrugging off a guilt-laden cloak for carving out creative time, I remind myself:    I'm stealing nothing; I own my creativity.

by Ann Morton using a few Jen Maddocks elements

With that said, Jen's word art in this piece really spoke to me.  In this mobile-everything age of selfies and rush-to-post, this is a good reminder to me (as I post...  the irony).  The layers I added to this image are significant to me:  an old, imperfect kitchen counter and light catching deep red hues through a goblet, offset with tv-glitch movement, all viewed through the eye of the ubiquitous mobile lens.

It's a strange age we are living in and through.